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Phoenix Rising Part II

Congratulations to the Lambda-Zeta Chapter at VCU

Originally Published January 20, 2022 on kappasigma.org

We are excited to announce the re-installation of the 211th Chapter of Kappa Sigma! Please join us in welcoming the Lambda-Zeta Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia back to the chapter rolls.

The 46 founding fathers were initiated on Saturday, January 15, 2022. Brothers in attendance for the installation included: Worthy Grand Scribe, Daniel J. Tierney (Theta-Nu, Ashland University, ’99), Executive Director Mitchell B. Wilson (Beta-Nu, University of Kentucky, ’78), and Development Coordinator Kyle Somers (Xi-Rho, Stockton University, ’17).

The installation was coordinated by Alumnus Advisor and District Grand Master Zanas D. Talley (Sigma-Psi, Catholic University of America, ’15) as well as Lambda-Zeta alumni. The Ritualist for the installation was Sawyer I. Coleman (Rho-Omega, Stevens Institute of Technology, ’14).

The Lambda-Zeta Brothers participated in over 1,500 hours of service to both local and national causes. Their relentless work and duty to serve their fellow man exemplifies their commitment to the core tenets of a Kappa Sigma: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service.

A huge thank you to the following Chapters for their part in the installation: Eta (Randolph Macon College), Sigma-Theta (Old Dominion University), Sigma-Lambda (Christopher Newport University), and the Lambda-Zeta alumni that were in attendance.

We will continue working to achieve Jackson’s Dream and spread our Order across North America! Congratulations to the newly installed Brothers and to the continued success of the Lambda-Zeta Chapter!