50th Anniversary Reunion
Not for a day, or an hour,
or a college term only, but for life
In the Fall of 2021, undergraduate brothers and alumni from all decades converged on Richmond, VA, to celebrate a once-in-a-lifetime milestone. We celebrated the local organization, Sigma Phi Sigma, becoming an official chapter of the nationally recognized Kappa Sigma Fraternity — 50 years ago on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University.
Hearts proud, with crimson letters emblazoned across emerald tapestry, we'd be known from that day forward as the Lambda-Zeta chapter of Kappa Sigma.
For brothers in attendance, this page is a remembrance of the event-filled weekend. For brothers who could not attend, it's a peek into the revelry and camaraderie you missed. Know in your hearts that we knew you were with us in spirit. AEKDB to all our Lambda-Zeta brothers.
Friday Night Receptions
May the friends of our youth
be the companions of our old age
Friday night receptions were held for each decade; the 70s, 80s, 90s, and the 2000s. Brothers, friends, and family gathered to raise a glass to those who could be with us, to those who couldn’t be with us, and to those we lost much too soon.

Saturday Events
A walking tour of the present-day Virginia Commonwealth University’s campus was led by student volunteers. We walked to what used to be Shafer Court and toured the James Branch Cabell library before heading to Snead Hall aka VCU’s School of Business. The tour ended with brother Michael Chaney giving us the lay of the land at VCU’s Brand Center.
Saudé Creek Vineyards EST. 2009
Some brothers and their families braved the hike out to New Kent County to taste and savor the wines of Saudé Creek Vineyards, the culinary treats of the Scottish Pig, and the live musical stylings of Rick Hollowell. Saudé Creek Vineyards first started out as Saudé Creek Farms, a small business that produced cider from apples harvested at Hill Pleasant Farms in Norge, VA. Saudé Creek was then moved to where it is now in New Kent County, located on one of the highest points in the area with views overlooking the Pamunkey River.
Other brothers stuck close to home and enjoyed a brewery crawl in revitalized, Scott’s Addition the hub of Richmond’s brewing scene, with cideries, taprooms, and distilleries housed in converted warehouses. Bold street murals and string lights brighten the area, and seasonally focused destination restaurants, a retro bowling alley, and a cinema make it a popular evening hangout. This ain’t the old Richmond we used to know.

50th Anniversary Banquet
@ the ICA
Institute for Contemporary Art
601 W. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220
Work Hard

After the introduction and the highlighting of brothers and officers by decade, Mic Wilson expounded on the impact of Kappa Sigma as a force in greekdom — and shared all the numbers to back it up. Finally, George Koger accepted the plaque from Nationals celebrating 50 years of the Lambda-Zeta Chapter.
Brothers chosen for each decade, and some stepping in for others who couldn't make it to the event explained that it was not just the trappings of Kappa Sigma that got us to the 50th anniversary. Most notably, it was the camaraderie of chosen family and the friendship that followed long after we graduated — the true meaning of AEKDB.
In front of his father, Pedro Ordunez, our new undergraduate GM, echoed the ideals of fraternity for a new colony, a new generation, and a renewed energy on campus.
Kevin Taylor accepted the Alumni Brother of the Year Award from Alumni Association GM Kevin "Moby" Jones and ended his acceptance speech with the mantra, “Be Brief, Be Bold, and Be Gone.”
Brotherhood Through the Decades
The 50th Anniversary of the Lambda-Zeta Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity was celebrated the weekend of October 1-3rd, 2021. • Alumni and undergraduate brothers gathered in Richmond, VA to commemorate the founding, recolonization, and the promise of growing the brotherhood. • Special thanks go out to Mark Hailey, Lucas Krost, and Brad Froman, and all the brothers who shared their stories on camera. AEKDB Gentlemen and here's to the next 50 years.
Play Hard
Thanks to the planning of a dedicated committee, the contributions of generous alumni, and the dogged work of several alumni ECs and committees, the evening evolved to its ultimate conclusion. Wine was consumed, partners were wooed, and music led us into the night.

The weekend’s events ended with a Sunday Brunch at the Downtown Hilton followed by an Alumni Association meeting and a parting shot of the remaining attendees.
See All the Photos
During the event our 50th MicroSite allowed brothers and guests to plan and make the most of the Reunion Weekend. Now post-event, we’re leveraging it as a way to share all the photos taken. You can view over 400 images, aka more than what’s hosted here, by clicking the button below.
50th Anniversary Swag
Alumni Brothers!
Get your 50th Anniversary swag now, we will place another order of shirts and tumblers.
SWAG Contacts:
Kevin Taylor, Alumni GMC,
Craig Corrieri, Alumni GP,