A History of Service
Kappa Sigma at VCU
The Lambda Zeta Chapter of Kappa Sigma stood as a leader in Greek Life at VCU for nearly 40 years. Our commitment to enriching the lives of our members, the VCU student body, and the community extends beyond the hosting of social events. It can be best seen in our history of giving, which includes but is not limited to:
The Will Sheffey Kappa Sigma Endowment which provides annual scholarships to deserving VCU School of Business students who have displayed both academic excellence and an exceptional commitment to community service.
Helping kickstart the Phi Mu Sorority.
We were instrumental in helping establish VCU’s first Interfraternity Council.
Annual service events for the university and local charities that included; Stew Stirs, Dance-a-Thons, Rock-a-Thons, Ball Bounces, manning the phones at VCU Annual Giving Program Phone-a-Thons and more.
The Michael & Larissa Chaney scholarship fund — in perpetuity, at the VCU Brand Center and VCU School of Business.
Spearheaded the creation of VCU’s first Greek Alumni Network to benefit all VCU Greek Alumni.
We were the first Greek Organization to purchase property and make a long term commitment to VCU and diversity of membership.
The chapter maintained an active and engaged presence at VCU until 2009 when the chapter lost its charter.
Since that time, Lambda Zeta alumni have partnered with VCU’s faculty and administration in re-establishing a colony/chapter on campus. Our focus has been the continued promotion of our core values, and financial support of the university through giving programs.
Those efforts bore fruit with the short-lived rebirth of the Lambda Zeta chapter during the Covid years. KSLZAA remains dedicated to the re-colonization of the Lambda Zeta chapter in coming years.
Will Sheffey Kappa Sigma Endowment
On May 2, 2010, Will Sheffey, a beloved Lambda Zeta chapter brother, lost a long battle with brain cancer. Brother Brad Welles, lead a charge to establish a memorial scholarship in Will’s name through the School of Business at VCU.
The Endowment provides annual scholarships to deserving VCU School of Business students. The scholarship recipients are students who have displayed both academic excellence and an exceptional commitment to community service.
An Annual Golf Tournament was also established in 2018 as a way to accelerate the growth of the Endowment. Through the caring hearts and generosity of many of Will’s family, friends, and Kappa Sigma brothers, the tournament fundraised $6,000 in 2018 and over $10,000 in 2019. These donations, along with significant gifts from individuals and corporations, feed the growing endowment. The increased funding was spurred on by a desire to award even more significant scholarships.
2017 | On September 15, 2017, the VCU School of Business awarded the first Will Sheffey Kappa Sigma Memorial Scholarship to VCU Business Management student, Charlotte Duke. Our KSLZAA GM, Craig Corrieri, represented the brotherhood at the Inaugural Endowment Day luncheon, where Charlotte was recognized.
2018 | September: the second Will Sheffey Kappa Sigma Memorial Scholarship to Business Foundations major, Marta Locklear.
2019 | September: the third Will Sheffey Kappa Sigma Memorial Scholarship went to Business major Marguerite Hudson.
More details about the 2017-2019 recipients can be read in our blog entry.
2020 | The accomplished and deserving Katherine Pham tells a story of just how hard she has worked to succeed. We are proud to include Katherine as our 2020 Endowment Scholarship recipient. Her story in her own words and ours can be read on the KSLZAA blog.
2021 | Building on the successful '19 Sheffey Endowment Golf Tournament we leap-frogged '20 due to the pandemic and returned with vigor for a strong showing in 2021 — despite having to postpone the outdoor event countless times.
2021 | News Story: Band of Brothers Creates Memorial Scholarship for Inspirational Friend
2022 | We are proud to include Yosef Hay Mirakov Cohen, who is pursuing a degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, as our 2021 Endowment Scholarship recipient. His story in his own words and ours can be read on the KSLZAA blog.