About the KSLZAA
KSLZAA Legacy of Support
The Lambda Zeta chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Virginia Commonwealth University has been fortunate to have been supported a dedicated alumni organization for more than 40 years.
From its inception, The Kappa Sigma Lambda Zeta Alumni Association has served as mentors to the undergraduate chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) with a focus on the application of core values and guiding principles of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Becoming an Active Member of KSLZAA
All Kappa Sigmas initiated into the Lambda Zeta Chapter are allowed and encouraged to participate in the activities organized by the Kappa Sigma Lambda Zeta Alumni Association.
Active Members
Dues-paying members of the KSLZAA are designated as “Active Members” and are regarded members in good standing. Active Members (members in good standing) are allowed to vote in Special and Annual Meetings.
Your contribution to keeping the lights on, our spirits high, and our love for our fellow brother eternal – by paying alumni dues and becoming an Active Member – is greatly appreciated.
Alumni Dues for the July 2024 - June 2025 year are $25.00 (up $5 from last year).
Please go to Alumni Dues to pay dues.
An Expanded Role for KSLZAA
The arrival of the New Millennium was marked by a return of scrutiny of fraternal orders reminiscent of that of the 1960s. This new level of increased institutional governance did not escape VCU as Greek organizations – including our Lambda Zeta chapter – fell victim to charges of hazing and other policy violations. In fact, since the turn of the century, the Lambda Zeta chapter has twice fallen into institutional suspension. In response to these suspensions the KSLZAA mission has evolved to include a focus on the preservation of chapter legacy.
Today the KSLZAA operates as the sole source of Lambda Zeta activity with a mission statement that includes:
Establish better communications,
Organize alumni events, and
Support an undergraduate chapter and ensure our continued brotherhood.
Establish Better Communications
In recent years the KSLZAA revised its communications strategy to keep pace with emerging technologies. We now rely heavily on a mix of social media, email, internet, and video conferencing to communicate with our alumni brotherhood. The administrative functions of KSLZAA communications is the responsibility of the Grand Scribe.
The communications platforms utilized by the KSLZAA include:
A private Facebook group with links to the Website – VCU LZ Kappa Sigma Alumni,
An Instagram account – lzkapsigalumni,
Group email distribution with links to the Website – Mail Chimp,
A multifunctional Website – www.vcukappasig.com, and
Video conferencing – Google Calendar > Google Meet
Understanding that some brothers prefer a more traditional approach to communications, phone calls go out on an as-needed basis.
Organize Alumni Events
Absent an undergraduates chapter the KSLZAA is currently the sole source of ongoing engagement of the Lambda Zeta brotherhood. Through active alumni brothers the organization is responsible for the preservation of the Lambda-Zeta order with the long-term goal of re-colonizing the Lambda Zeta chapter at VCU.
Lambda Zeta alumni brothers benefit from participation in events in the following ways:
Reconnect with brothers from your undergraduate days,
Connect with brothers who you have yet to meet,
Reconnect with VCU in a low-impact manner,
Re-establish familiarity with the core values and principles that have defined you as a Kappa Sigma man, and
Participate in decision – making and leadership roles as an active alumni brother.
Examples of recent alumni engagement include:
Outings to VCU Rams basketball games,
Pregame luncheons,
The annual summer Family Cookout,
The Will Sheffy Memorial Golf Tournament,
KSLZAA Street Clean Up at Monroe Park,
Stew Stirs,
Third Thursday meet-ups, and
Special and Annual meetings via video conference.
Ensure Our Continued Brotherhood
At present the Lambda Zeta undergraduate chapter is under suspension by VCU for policy infractions established for fraternal orders and other extracurricular organizations. Likewise, Lambda Zeta has been suspended by Kappa Sigma national. 2028 is the target year to begin recolonization efforts.
In the mean time, VCU targeted service and fundraising activities will continue. Our hope is that the service and fundraising efforts of the KSLZAA will not go unnoticed, and will forge stronger bonds with VCU as we proceed with the re-colonization of Lambda Zeta.
Our current service and fundraising programs include:
The Will Sheffy Memorial Golf Tournament,
KSLZAA Street Clean Up at Monroe Park, and
Stew Stirs.
In addition, the Lambda Zeta Mentoring Partnership Program will be offered to the current undergraduate alumni in good standing with national. Details on the program will be forwarded to the VCU administration as evidence of KSLZAA’s commitment to the development of quality undergraduate students.