Annual Meeting + Elections 2021
Every Dawn Brings an
for Renewal
It’s morning again for the Lambda-Zeta chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Today we are represented by a new class of young men, and a new colony on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus. They will forge new friendships and bonds that might last a lifetime.
It’s up to us as alumni to show these undergraduates what it means when we say, “Kappa Sigma is not for a day, or an hour, or a college term only, but for life.”
Annual Meeting, 2021 EC Elections
The Annual Meeting of the Kappa Sigma Lambda-Zeta Alumni Association is set for Saturday, April 10, 2021, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. This meeting will also serve as the date for the 2021 Executive Committee elections. Voting for these elections will commence the week prior and conclude at this Annual Meeting — with brothers in good standing being able to cast a ballot right up to the announcement of final tallies at said meeting.
Nominations for the KSLZAA EC
All current EC members have been nominated to their current or other posts for the 2021-2022 term year. You can see the current candidates on our KSLZAA Leadership page. Exceptions to current offices are as follows:
Craig Corrieri will be stepping down as GM and has accepted the nomination for the office of GP.
Kevin “Moby” Jones will be stepping down as GP and has accepted the nomination to the office of GM.
Kevin Taylor will be running again for the office of Grand Master of Ceremonies
Brad Welles will be running again for the office of Grand Treasurer.
Monirom Southakakoumar will be stepping down as Grand Scribe to focus on second-tier communications and social media.
Scott Hall will be stepping down as Events Chairman.
A quorum of brothers in good standing must still vote these alumni brothers into office.
Nominating Other to Run for EC
Nominate another alumni brother, including yourself, to run for any of the offices by:
Emailing their full name and the office in which you’d like to see them serve to our current Grand Scribe at this email address.
Leave a voicemail message with their full name and the office in which you’d like to see them serve to our current Grand Scribe @ 240.505.4774
We invite any/all brothers interested in running to self-nominate!
NOTE: Any nominated brother has the right of refusal if they do not wish to serve.
DUES: Any Brother running for an EC position must be a brother in good standing. This simply means they must be current on their dues. Current dues are $20 for the term year and can be paid here.
Voting for the EC of the 2021-22 Term
Brothers in good standing will be sent a link to the online ballot via email, Facebook Messenger, or text message — based on their preferences. All online votes need to be submitted before 10 AM Saturday, April 10th, 2021 to be counted. Alternatively, brothers in good standing can also vote during the meeting.
Brothers voting must be a brother in good standing. This simply means they must be current on their dues. Current dues are $20 for the term year and can be paid here.